Small Game Habitat in Kalkaska
Join the OTG program on Saturday, March 27, 2021, as we improve habitat for small game in Kalkaska. Aside from building brush piles, we will also be improving natural openings and edge feathering to provide enhanced habitat for species like woodcock, ruffed grouse, turkey, rabbits/hare and deer.
Volunteers will meet at 1089 Wildwood Shores Drive, Kalkaska, MI 49646 at 9 a.m., and after registration and introductions are completed we will travel as a group to the nearby project sites along Johnson Lake Road. Granola bars and water will be available to all volunteers while in the field, and lunch will be provided by MUCC. All volunteers will also receive a free OTG t-shirt.
Volunteers are asked to bring their own work gloves if possible. Volunteers are also invited to bring their own chainsaws for limbing and bucking trees for brush piles, but it is not mandatory. Please also bring a face covering that can be worn when social distancing of six feet or more is not possible. Additionally, four-wheel drive pick-up trucks will be beneficial to access project sites.
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