Native Wildflower Planting at Petersburg State Game Area
Join MUCC's On the Ground program and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) as we work to enhance native pollinator habitat in the Petersburg State Game Area (SGA) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 10, 2020. Volunteers are needed to help plant the native wildflower blazing star within the Peterburg SGA, which is a host plant for the state imperiled blazing star borer moth and a plant species that benefits both pollinators and other wildlife.
Exact location coordinates will be updated prior to the event and sent to all registered volunteers. The planting will take place in the field located at the intersection of Teal Road and Lulu Road within the Petersburg State Game Area. Snacks and water are provided to all registered volunteers and all participants will receive a free t-shirt.
Volunteers are asked to bring their own work gloves and shovels, if possible. MUCC and TNC will provide these materials if the volunteer is unable to bring their own. Please also bring a face covering that can be worn when social distancing of six feet or more is not possible.
Please note: Due to restrictions surrounding COVID-19, this event has been limited to 16 people. If the maximum number of attendees has been reached, you will be unable to register. Should this occur, we thank you for your interest in participating and look forward to returning to the Petersburg SGA for future wildlife habitat improvement events. Please follow or to stay updated about program events and information.
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